Ellen Leidl/
Oil Paintings
Artist’s statement
Big Fish, Little Fish
Bio/Curriculum Vitae
Blue and Gold
New York
Paintings: Organics
Paintings: Series 1
Paintings: Series 2
Paintings: Series 3
Paintings: Series 4
Sleeping Forest
Still Water
Trees and Tempests
Paintings: Series 4
Subject Matter: Impressionist in Oil/Created: June 2021/22
10″ x 10″ oil
Paintings: Series 4
8″ x 24″ oil/wax
11″ x 14″ oil/wax
10” x 12″ oil
11” x 14″ oil
11″ x 14″ oil
16″ x 20″ oil
18″ x 24″ oil
10″ x 10″ oil/wax
18″ x 24″ oil
11″ x 14″ oil
18″ x 24″ oil
11″ x 14″ oil
11″ x 14″ oil
24″ x 24″ oil
11″ x 14″ oil/
11″ x 14″ oil
18″ x 24″ oil
10″ x 10″ oil